As Our 30th Year Approaches

We believe that educators working within early learning and child care programs play a critical role in supporting children's learning, development, health, and well-being. We view our work in helping to build strong and vibrant early learning communities as a priority and privilege.

For close to thirty years we have fostered professionalism, innovation, and success within early learning and child care. This strategic planning process began before the pandemic and was paused in 2020 for the organization to regroup. To develop this plan, we reached out to our members and stakeholders through online surveys in 2019, 2021 and 2022. We offered an open house with member polling and a carousel of service based conversations in Summer 2019. Lastly, we engaged our Board and staff team in two retreats in 2019 to envision our future. Our members and partners shared with us that they see us as the "go-to-place" for innovative supports, training and resources related to the early years.

Click image below to read the full plan.

Strategic Plan 2015-18
Summary of Accomplishments 2015-18