High quality learning spaces inspire staff, make a good impression with parents, and are associated with positive outcomes for children. Our team supports educators in designing environments and experiences for children so they can explore their ideas, investigate theories and interact with others.

The ECCDC provides a variety of services, supports and resources to enhance your learning spaces. We have team members who are qualified to offer a range of environmental design suggestions including a written report complete with specific recommendations on affordable enhancements.

Naturalizing Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

The ECCDC would be pleased to visit your program to offer your staff team strategies for naturalizing your indoor and outdoor settings including playground design, furniture purchasing and arrangement, resources and tips for incorporating natural materials.

Highlights in the ECCDC Learning Café

Our Coaching and Support Team is pleased to bring you a variety of suggestions for designing innovative early learning spaces. Visit the ECCDC and/or our partner locations to get inspired, "mess about" and reflective on resources, furniture and materials that may be incorporated within your early learning environment.