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Effective Leadership in Early Learning and Child Care Series
Event Format: Webinar

With Acclaimed Author and Facilitator Paula MacLean

Paula J. MacLean, a leading Canadian author, nonprofit educator, coach and consultant, has almost four decades guiding nonprofit boards and organizations to face their unique challenges and build successful teams. Facilitator Paula MacLean is the author of 6 books focused on leadership and human resource practices. She has worked with and for more than 400 agencies in Canada over the past several decades. This course is intended for individuals in a leadership position or those aspiring to formal leadership.

Session 1: Introduction to Effective Leadership in Early Childhood Settings
In our first session we will discuss tools and strategies that will help make you a skilled and confident leader. This will include: understanding the importance and differences between your “management” duties and your role as an early childhood leader; three different leadership styles and the situations in which each will work best, and your important role in influencing employee retention.
Wednesday October 30, 2024, 9:30 to 11:30 am

Session 2: Performance Management Part 1 – Two types of Coaching
In our second session you will learn how to support employees to be their best selves at work. We will explore and practice Instructional/Directive Coaching and Facilitative/Challenging Coaching and when to use each. We will also complete an in-class practice session approach using case studies and small group work.
Wednesday November 27, 2024; 9:30 to 11:30 am

Session 3: Giving Feedback and Having Difficult Conversations
In our third session we will discuss why we sometimes avoid giving feedback and how we can overcome our fears. You will learn how to give effective feedback (using T3 – Tact, Tone, and Timing). Together we will practice how to get started and exactly what to say when giving feedback. Then we will shift gears to an 8 Step Approach to having difficult or challenging conversations with peers, your manager, parents, or colleagues in other organizations. You’ll watch a funny but educational video with communication expert Shari Harley, author of How to Talk to Anyone about Anything.
Wednesday December 18, 2024; 9:30 to 11:30 am

Session 4: Performance Management Part 2 - Great Onboarding Practices, Getting off the Roller Coaster, and Employee Retention Strategies
In our last session you will learn how great onboarding prevents future performance issues and improves retention. You’ll also learn how to get off the feedback rollercoaster with employees who yo-yo between doing better and doing worse. We’ll look at three strategies that will help build strong supervisor-employee relationships that support long-term retention and prevent turnover.
Wednesday January 29, 2025; 9:30 to 11:30 am

*Book Bag of three of Paula’s books is available for $50 (The Supervisor’s Big Book of Answers, From Hiring to Firing, and 7 New Rules for the Sandbox). Please order book bag at the time of registration.