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Schema Play Series: Noticing and Building Upon Children’s Innate Desires
Event Format: Webinar

With Victoria Armstrong, RECE, B.ECS, Owner Side By Side (SBS) Consulting Services

“Schemas are a fancy word for the urges that children have to do things like climb, throw things and hide in small places... They are the building blocks for the brain, repeated behaviour that in turn forge connections in the brain, patterns of unfolding, learning and growth... By knowing about schemas, we can recognize and support their urges and development,” (Caro, 2012).

Full Series (2 Sessions)
Niagara Educators

Outside Niagara Educators

Part 1
Event Format: Webinar

In this 1.5-hour session, come and learn more about schema theory, the role of observation and documentation in schema play, the nine most common early childhood schemas including orientation, positioning, connection, trajectory, enclosure, transporting, enveloping, rotation and transformation, as well as material and space considerations to support each schema. We will also take time to explore the transformation schema together.

Date: October 1, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Niagara Educators

Outside Niagara Educators

Part 2
Event Format: Webinar

In this 1.5-hour session, come and participate in a facilitated conversation that will invite you to reflect more deeply on your observations of schema play in your program since participating in Part 1. As part of our conversation, a story will be shared through documentation about how schema play evolved from infant age to toddler to preschooler as a way of supporting deeper and sustained observations around schema play in young children.

Date: November 5, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Niagara Educators

Outside Niagara Educators